Does coffee help to lose weight? Slimming and Health

One of the best ways to start the day is with a delicious coffee, which not only helps you to clear the dream, in addition, there is also something that you will love to consume, various researchers and specialists point out that drinking coffee helps you lose weight. But sometimes we think about does coffee help to lose weight

According to Chris Kilham, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, coffee contains a large number of compounds of natural origin, including several classes of antioxidants, which help prevent diseases such as mild depression or Parkinson’s.

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However, you have come to the right place if you have no idea about Does coffee helps to lose weight. many people would like to know if coffee is losing weight because they like to drink after a meal. In this new article, we will discuss Does coffee help to lose weight?.

Does coffee help to lose weight? Can drinking coffee help you to lose weight? Many people would like that to be the case, because they like to drink a cup of coffee after a complete meal, sometimes in the secret hope that this coffee will make them lose weight. In France, nearly 9 out of 10 people wake up with a cup of hot coffee, whether it be Viennese, Irish, Turkish, or Greek…

Benefits of caffeine

does coffee help to lose weight
does coffee help to lose weight

Many people think that having a cup of coffee causes the food that has just been ingested to melt. Certainly, it is above all a wish, but the studies support some positive but more realistic data: drinking a cup of hot coffee when getting up and half an hour before eating can reduce appetite by 35% over the whole day.

The coffee comes from Ethiopia. The oldest coffee species is Arabica (cultivated in dry regions at medium temperature); The other well-known species is the robusta (cultivated in humid and warm regions). It is estimated that there are 400 varieties of coffee in the world, but only about twenty are known.

Coffee contains caffeine (an alkaloid) that is also found in cocoa, tea, guarana, cola, mate, etc. A cup of coffee contains 125 milligrams of caffeine, a cup of instant coffee 90 milligrams, a tea of 70 milligrams, a glass of cola 50 milligrams, a cup of espresso 40 milligrams, and a cup of hot chocolate 25 milligrams.

Scientists believe that coffee contains antioxidants (such as polyphenols, which are also in wine). Thanks to its antioxidants, coffee can protect against different diseases (Parkinson’s, bladder cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, inflammatory diseases, etc).

Does coffee help to lose weight?

Coffee strengthens our metabolism, which burns fat and raises our energy levels, which in turn, puts our body in place and allows us to move. Studies have shown that the more a person consumes caffeine, the higher their metabolism (so it burns more calories even at rest).

Studies also show that people who exercise and drink a cup of coffee before a workout can exercise for longer and at a faster pace. A Greek study has even found that coffee can better fight the body aches felt after exercise.

The scientific name of the method is thermogenesis or body heat production. Coffee increases thermogenesis, which burns the excess calories we have consumed, even at rest. The mechanism of thermogenesis is often lacking in obese people. Worse, these people slow down their thermogenesis when they follow low-calorie diets.

These recent studies show that almost 6 cups of coffee or 600 milligrams of caffeine a day are needed to reduce weight significantly, and can be very helpful in a comprehensive diet to lose weight. For information, the usual dose consumed in France remains around 150 milligrams of caffeine per day (never exceeding 100 cups of coffee per day, which is the lethal dose).

During the day, a cup of coffee can serve as a substitute to reduce our cravings for eating higher-fat foods and to aid digestion (by increasing the secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes). Coffee can also stimulate the intellect, increasing alertness, concentration, etc. Just avoid heavy creams and caffeinated drinks filled with sugar.

As a result, just drink the traditional black coffee, old-fashioned. Indeed, while a regular cup of coffee brings zero calories, the same cup of coffee made with a tablespoon of cream brings 50 calories and 5 grams of fat. If you add a tablespoon of sugar, you add 50 extra calories.

Forget latte espresso coffee when you finish a meal. A glass of 47cl espresso latte made with skim milk (no fat) contains 130 calories. If it is prepared with whole milk, this glass contains 200 calories and 11 grams of fat! Coffee with milk is one of the 10 foods that ruin your diet secretly.

As with all good things, there are negative side effects. If you are considering a coffee-based diet to lose weight, you should check the negative aspects of coffee consumption before you start.

Some negative side effects of high coffee consumption include:

  • Dehydration ( especially because of the diuretic effects of coffee, which lead to an increase in urinary secretion ),
  • A headache,
  • Nervousness,
  • Anxiety,
  • tremors,
  • insomnia,
  • Premature aging of the skin,
  • Kidney problems,
  • Exhaustion of precious minerals and vitamins (especially vitamins C and B, calcium, and iron),
  • Stomach pains,
  • Heart palpitations,
  • Ulcers because of the high acid content of the coffee.

Health experts advise against drinking caffeine for people with the following health problems:

  • Migraine,
  • Hypertension,
  • Heart problems,
  • ulcers,
  • High cholesterol,
  • Diabetes,
  • Pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding
  • Premenstrual syndrome,
  • Prostate disorders.

Does drinking coffee help you lose weight? Scientific proof indicates that coffee can lose weight, especially with exercise. Remember, however, its many unwanted side effects. See medical advice if you think you drink too much coffee compared to what your body can bear, or if you are among the people advised against drinking caffeine.

And if a cup of coffee in the morning and another before physical exercise help you get fit, then it’s not necessarily an unhealthy food. If you do not drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day (spacing 3 to 4 hours between each drink, which is the duration of caffeine), the coffee should not affect the balance of a healthy diet.

If you are a coffee lover and love to try different tastes then Check out this coffee item below

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