How much exercise to lose weight?

If you are eager to know how much exercise to lose weight, then read the article. Here today, we want to explain how much exercise to lose weight. To lose weight faster, you can try targeted classes and exercise in the gym or at home.

Most of us have done some foolishness to lose weight fast. The most typical:  

A little rigorous diet and without the advice of a nutritionist or doctor. If we have done so, we have regained the weight that has cost us so much to lose. But September arrives and we fall into the same mistake again: thinking that we can get rid of those extra kilos that we have gained in summer without the help of an expert. Well, if you want to try this year to be the definitive one, let us advise you.  

If you intend to lose weight, not everything goes. But there are some exercises which you can do in your gym or at home that will help you lose weight effectively. As for the diet, eat everything in smaller portions and avoid foods with little or no nutritional value.

When do I start losing weight by exercising and How much exercise to lose weight?

When you want to lose weight, you have to know how much exercise you should do. Simply, when you start walking, you should train between 45 minutes and one hour, if possible, regularly three times a week. It is important to combine cardiovascular work with muscle exercises to promote the elimination of fats.

The idea is to be constant and have a routine with motivating objectives; in this way, we can gradually see results. You should follow a proper diet chart to lose weight quickly. If it is constant, the results will not take long to see. There are also some rules which help you to know how much exercise to lose weight you should do.

Does walking exercise help to lose weight And How much exercise to lose weight?

Now you can know about how much exercise to lose weight by walking. If what you like is walking to keep fit, go ahead and keep doing it. However, you should know that losing weight on foot is more complicated. Walking is a very healthy and effective exercise. It is advisable to do a minimum of 30 minutes a day and in the right place. However, this does not guarantee weight loss since it is a low-intensity activity. Working is a part of our training that would be between 10,000 and 15,000 steps, depending on your physical form. This is a minimum recommendation, everything we can do more will be helpful, particularly activities that also involve the upper trunk.

For example, swimming could be a good complementary workout to burn calories. It is one of the complete cardiorespiratory exercises since in, addition to cardio work, it helps tone and strengthens most muscle groups. Swimming favors fat burning, as well as muscle tone, helping to prevent flaccidity after a considerable weight loss, “says the head of Metropolitan.  Swimming is one of the exercises that most people can practice. This is because there is less risk of injury in underwater activities that do not have much impact on the joints.

Targeted activities for fast weight:

Even in a shorter period, you can try different exercises by using different training programs with muscles. More important than the amount of weight, which depends on your physical form and the type of training program you choose, is to work the repetitions, the intensity, and whether or not you want to do aerobic activity.

Training program in the Gym:

Training programs based on HIIT methodology also help you to know about how much exercise weight you should follow to achieve results and can be carried out without the need for extra equipment it works with your body weight and involves movements of the whole body in high-intensity training for a short period and includes cardio work.

Also directed activities like Body Pump, which involve weight work involving all the muscles with a choreography. Cross Met and Cross Combat also, interesting classes that are also carried out with high intensity, working not only on strength and toning but also increasing the pulsations with cardio work.

If you prefer a training program without going to class it is important to let yourself be advised by a coach to find out how much exercise to lose weight, adapting the intensity to your capacity, learning to correctly perform the technique of each exercise, and avoiding injuries. There are also many ways which you can apply to lose weight.

How much exercises to lose weight you needed are given below:

Running on a treadmill:  you can do series at a higher and lower speed to take shape. Running is one of the most effective cardio exercises to lose weight.

Exercises with weight in a machine or with dumbbells: press, rowing, and chest openings, for example, are the most indicated.

Elliptical: with it, you can work the cardio for about 45 minutes, approximately, at the speed and intensity desired according to our physical form.

Cycling:  be it in a class or on your own in the machine room, it is one of the best ways to do a complete cardiovascular workout.

 Some easy exercises that you can try at home:

Burpee: He jumps, and with the impulse, he goes down to the ground until he reaches a flexion. And again, you get up to dance. It is essential to do it well and do it as fast as possible to work the cardio. Perform various repetitions.

Climber: in a plank position on the ground, flex one leg and then the other as if you wanted to run or climb. Again speed is essential, as well as maintaining a good position.

Squat jump: perform a squat, keeping your back straight and lowering to the maximum, as if you were sitting in a chair, and gain momentum to jump when you get up. Repeat several repetitions at maximum speed.

Push-ups: in a plank position on the floor, supporting or not the knees according to our physical form. The hands must be at the same width as the shoulders and the arms make a 90º angle. They perform several repetitions without losing good posture.

The best exercises to lose weight are those where more calories are spent in less time, such as: running or swimming. However, to lose weight efficiently and maintain results, it is essential to combine these activities with muscle exercises, which should preferably be done in the gym and under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Aerobic exercises such as walking and running increase heart rate and burn more calories, while resistance exercises, such as muscle exercises, promote muscle hypertrophy, allowing an increase in muscle size, and making the individual consume more energy.

How much exercises to lose weight in the gym are aerobics, some examples are:

1. Muscle exercises:

Exercising the muscles is one of the main activities for those who want to lose weight because their regular practice helps increase muscle mass, as well as endurance, strength, and flexibility. The more muscle mass, the higher the person’s ability to spend calories at rest, thus promoting weight loss. However, for this to happen, it is essential that the training is regular and that the person follows a balanced and healthy diet.

Amount of calories burned: The number of calories expended during anaerobic exercise training depends on several factors, such as the intensity and type of activity performed, as well as the individual characteristics of the person such as physical condition, weight, and structure physical and genetic.

For this reason, the calories that are burned during this type of training can vary between 300 to 500 calories per hour. However, as there is a gain in muscle mass, the body continues to expend calories up to 48 hours after exercise, as long as the training is moderate or intense, and you eat a healthy diet.

2. HIIT training:

HIIT training or High-Intensity Interval Training corresponds to a set of exercises that must be performed with high intensity. The activities are performed intensively, to raise the heart rate; for this reason, this training is more suitable for people who already practice some physical activity. However, there are HIIT workout routines with more natural exercises, especially for beginners.

Amount of calories burned: As it is a high-intensity exercise, HIIT training can help burn around 400 calories per hour. However, to burn all these calories, ideally, it should be done under the guidance of a personal trainer or physical education teacher.

3. Crossfit training:

Crossfit training is also quite intense and requires higher cardiorespiratory capacity because the practice is carried out in a high-intensity circuit and with little rest time between one exercise and another. In this training, different weights, jump ropes, rubbers, and boxes, among others, are used outdoors.

Amount of calories burned: Like HIIT, cross-fit workouts are quite intense, being able to burn about 700 calories per hour during exercise. The practice of cross-fit must be guided by a professional.

4. Dance classes:

Dancing is an excellent activity that helps to strengthen and tone the muscles, in addition to increasing flexibility and increasing caloric expenditure, thus improving cardiorespiratory capacity and promoting weight loss. In addition to this, it is an activity that allows you to have fun and be distracted, is excellent for stimulating memory, improves posture, and

reduce stress.

Amount of calories burned: calories burned vary according to the style of dance and the time it is practiced. In Zumba or dance therapy, it is possible to lose an average of 300 to 600 calories per hour. However, to be able to burn this amount of calories, this activity must be carried out intensely.

5. Muay Thai:

Muay Thai is a type of intense and complete physical activity because it uses various muscle groups and requires physical preparation. These workouts improve cardiorespiratory fitness and physical condition, as well as muscle strength and endurance, in addition to increasing self-esteem.

Amount of calories burned: The amount of calories expended during Muay Thai training varies according to the intensity of the training and the physical preparation of the person, being able to reach up to 1500 kcals when the practice is very intense and has excellent physical development. However, the average caloric expenditure for Muay Thai practitioners is around 700 calories per workout

6. Spinning:

Spinning classes have different intensities, and it is done in a room with an exercise bike. These classes, in addition to promoting high caloric expenditure and weight loss, encourage the strengthening of muscles, burning of fat in the legs, also improving cardiorespiratory endurance.

 The person must do a level according to what was requested by the instructor. In this way, it is possible to burn between 600 to 800 calories per hour.

7. Swimming:

Swimming is a complete exercise because, in addition to promoting physical conditioning, it is capable of strengthening muscles and promoting caloric expenditure. Although the strokes are not too keen to get to the other side of the pool faster, it require constant effort. When the goal is to lose weight, it is not only necessary to get to the other side of the lake. It is essential to maintain a constant and energetic rhythm, that is, you can cross the pool by swimming crawl and turning your back, for example, as a form of rest.

Amount of calories burned: As swimming is a complete exercise, the practice of this physical activity can promote caloric expenditure of up to 400 calories since the person maintains the rhythm and always remains in motion.

8. Hydro gymnastics:

Hydro gymnastics is also excellent for losing weight and improving cardiorespiratory fitness. As water relaxes the tendency is to slow down, however, if you want to lose weight, the ideal is to be in a class whose purpose is the same, because there are classes for older people who are at a more leisurely pace, and in these cases, it is not enough to help you lose weight.

Amount of calories burned: For hydro gymnastics to promote the expenditure of as many calories as possible and promote weight loss, it is necessary for the person always to keep moving enough to keep them panting. In this way, it is possible to burn up to 500 calories per hour.

9. To run:

Running workouts are great for promoting calorie expenditure and burning fat, and can be done both on the treadmill and outdoors. However, the run must always be carried out at the same pace and with moderate or high intensity. It is possible to start running at a slow speed and each week gradually increase the power until you achieve the goal you want to make.

For people who are not in the habit of running or who begin to be physically active, this exercise may not be the best way to promote caloric expenditure initially. Therefore, the idea is to start doing aerobic activities, such as walking, until the person feels able to start running. Learn about a walking training routine to lose weight.

Amount of calories burned: the caloric expenditure of a run can vary between 600 to 700 calories per hour, as long as the person maintains a good rhythm, does not take many breaks, and tries hard enough, to the point of not being able to speak during the trot.

10. Body pump:

Body pump classes are an excellent way to burn fat since it is done with weights. Working for the main muscle groups increases resistance to improving cardiorespiratory capacity, because of demands higher physical conditioning for the performance of the exercises.

I think reading this article, you know about how much exercise to lose weight and also help you by reducing weight quickly. If you enjoy reading this article, then you should keep patience and continue reading the article.

These are some examples of exercises that help you lose weight fast, but that must be done under the guidance of a professional, so that is performed correctly, avoiding causing injury to the muscles and joints.

The idea is to divide the training time between aerobic and anaerobic exercises, preferably 5 days a week to lose weight effectively and continuously. During workouts, it is important to keep energy and, the body hydrated is recommended in these cases to make homemade energy drinks.

Muscle exercises help define the body, fighting to sag. However, when there is a great loss of weight, it may be necessary to do some sessions of aesthetic physiotherapy or even an abdominal surgery called abdominoplasty, to remove excess skin.

What exercises to lose weight faster?

To lose weight 1 kg of fat per week, equivalent to 4 kg per month, you must perform an exercise that spends approximately 600 kcal per week, 5 times a week, combined with daily muscle exercises.

To burn off the intended calories, you must exercise for 1 hour and keep your heart rate within the ideal range, which should be approximately 80% of its maximum capacity. This capacity, however, will depend on the person’s physical conditioning, age, and the intensity of the exercise. Exercising below these values will not greatly favor weight loss.

Extra help is buying a small digital device called a pedometer that shows how many steps the individual takes per day. This device can be purchased at sporting goods stores or online and the recommendation is to take 10,000 steps per day.

In addition to this, it is also important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, low in fat and sugar and rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Check out some healthy recipes for weight loss.

How to start practicing exercises to lose weight :

When starting some type of physical activity, the ideal is to be evaluated by a professional to verify the weight; and perform an anthropometric evaluation, which

 Consists of measuring body folds; Feeding Habits; medical history and; blood pressure.

In addition to this, it is also important to tell the professional what your objectives are so that both training and food are adapted to what you want. The ideal frequency is 5 times per week, being at least 30 minutes per day and the intensity should be moderate to strong.

Generally, training begins with aerobic exercises, such as Spinning, then a muscle exercise routine should be performed. As the individual gains resistance, the exercises or the rhythm of the class must increase, which will require more effort from the heart and muscles.

Cardio is one of the topics that most generates controversy in the world of fitness that most practitioners have. This by being able to do it anywhere, in a gym, a park, or even at home. But is it that everything that people believe and attribute to cardiovascular exercise is true?

Below, you can learn the reality about the ten most popular cardio myths and what most people wonder about this critical stage of your training:

 1. “Doing a lot of cardio is the best way to lower my fat percentage.”

To lower the percentage of fat, we must spend more calories than we consume; therefore, the most important thing is to take care of the diet (calories consumed VS calories burned). Muscle is an active tissue, so building muscle mass is what really speeds up metabolism and makes us burn more energy, even when we’re resting. The magic formula is to always do cardiovascular exercise and strength work with moderate loads; in this way, our daily caloric expenditure will increase.

 2. “If I’m starting a training plan, I should only do cardio for a while until I get rid of the fat and then do weights.”

The joint work from the beginning of the program allows for increasing energy expenditure for bodyweight control. However, it is considered that people who have never performed strength exercises start with a day or two of cardio only so as not to present extreme muscle pain, but the most important thing is always to develop a program that has a balance between consumption. And the expense of the year.

 3. “If I only run, will my body transform?”

If running is your passion and you are determined to finish a marathon, prepare yourself correctly for this challenge, but if your goal is to lose weight, lose fat, and/or achieve a defined body, it must be complemented with other training methodsTake good advice!

 4. “If I don’t have an hour to do cardio, better not do it.”

An hour of cardio is too much. Excellent benefits can be obtained by doing high-intensity intervals for more than 10 minutes, not counting the heating and cooling time. If you prefer to do cardio at medium intensity, the recommended time per week is 150 minutes.

 5. “If I want to lose fat, I should only stay in the ‘fat-burning zone’”

This zone is between 60 and 65% of the maximum heart rate and is so named because in this range we are burning a higher percentage of calories from fat, and it is a workout that provides excellent benefits when done for periods long, 30 or 45 minutes; however, the high-intensity intervals, bringing the heart rate to 85 or 95%, are excellent for those who want to lose fat, because they accelerate the metabolism and help us to use more calories during the day, even when we are at rest.

 6. “First, I do cardio and then weights.”

If we do the high-intensity cardio before the weights, we are using the glycogen (energy) of the muscles. Therefore, we are going to get exhausted from the training, and our performance could be affected; you must have a lot of energy and strength to do weights because developing lean mass is what helps to have a better body composition and speed up your metabolism. It’s okay to do 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up when the intensity is reliable, but you can exceed that time if the cardio is mild and/or moderate.

 7. “If I do a lot of cardio, I can eat as much as I want and still lose weight.”

The most important thing for this objective is to achieve a caloric deficit; it is effortless to overestimate energy expenditure during physical activity and underestimate the number of calories we eat. The first thing we must do to see results is take care of our diet, cardio can help increase daily caloric expenditure and speed up metabolism, but food will always be the determining factor.

 8. “The more I sweat, the more fat I burn.”

Sweating is a mechanism to regulate body temperature, but it does not necessarily indicate that we are burning more or fewer calories. Each organism is different, and some people sweat more than others; in addition, climatic conditions also influence. The best way to measure how much we are actually burning is a training heart rate monitor.

 9. “If I want to increase muscle mass, it is better not to do any cardio.”

Regardless of the goal, any training program should include cardiovascular conditioning; this not only serves to burn fat and lose weight, but it keeps us healthy and helps us to perform at the maximum when doing strength training.

  10. “A little cardio before strength training is all the warm-up I need to do.”

Raising your heart rate is essential before starting strength training, but it’s not the only thing you should do. Warming the joints with muscle activation exercises, mobility, and some dynamic stretching is vital to our performance during training and our long-term health.

Each organism is unique, and not all of us have the same objectives; we advise you to get proper advice before making adjustments to your training plan which helps you to focus on your program to set your goal

Weight loss exercises at home:

It is also possible to perform exercises and strengthen muscles at home, which is an excellent way to burn fat. It is possible to walk fast on the street daily, run a few kilometers, and then increase the distance weekly.

In addition to this, at home, you can perform some exercises to exercise the muscles such as squats, push-ups, irons, and tripping, among others. See a routine for increasing muscle.

Hav you enjoyed reading this article? If you enjoyed reading this article, then don’t lose patience. Let’s continue reading this post, to know about how much exercise to lose weight.

Here are some easy formula that helps you to lose weight:

Calories used in exercise> calories consumed = weight loss.

It means that how much exercise to lose weight, the number of calories you burn by exercising must be higher than the number of calories from the foods you eat and drink. Even if you use a lot, but consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight.

Another way to explain it is that a woman in her 30s to 50s who doesn’t exercise needs about 1,800 calories a day to maintain her average weight.

For every hour of exercise they do, they would burn:

· 240 to 300 calories are doing light activities like cleaning the house or playing baseball or golf.

· 370 to 460 calories are doing activities such as brisk walking (3.5 miles/hour [5.6 km / h]), gardening, gardening, biking (5.5 miles/hour [8.8 km / h]), or dancing.

· 580 to 730 calories were doing an activity such as jogging at a rate of 9 minutes per mile, playing soccer, or doing whole laps in a pool.

· 740 to 920 calories from activities such as running at a 7-minute pace per mile, playing racquetball, and skiing.

If you don’t change the number of calories in your diet, but add activity to your lifestyle, you will lose weight or gain less.

How much weight you can expect to lose from exercise depends on many factors:

These include:

• Starting weight: People who weigh more tend to shed more pounds than those who weigh less. Still, the percentage of body weight lost is similar.

• Age: Older people tend to carry more fat mass and less muscle mass, which reduces your RMR, or how many calories your body burns at rest. A lower RMR can make it more challenging to lose weight.

• Gender: Women tend to have a higher fat-to-muscle ratio than men, which can affect their RMR. As a result, men tend to lose weight quicker than women, even if they consume a similar number of calories.

• Diet: Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. Thus, a calorie deficit is essential to losing weight.

• Sleep: Studies have found that a lack of sleep may slow the rate at which you lose weight and even increase your cravings for unhealthy foods.

• Medical conditions: People with medical conditions like depression and hypothyroidism may lose weight at a slower rate.

• Genetics: Studies have shown that weight loss has a genetic component, which may affect certain people with obesity.

What’s more, people who lose weight too fast are more prone to regaining it.

It’s important to keep in mind that weight loss is not a linear process, and it’s common to find yourself losing weight more quickly when you first get started.

 SUMMARY: Many factors affect how much exercise to lose weight you can realistically expect to lose with exercise. Most experts recommend losing 1–3 pounds (0.5–1.36 kg) per week, or approximately 1% of your body weight.

Build physical activity into your daily routine:

Simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference over time.

· At work, try to go upstairs instead of the elevator, walk down the hall to talk to a coworker instead of emailing him, or add 10 to 20 minutes of walking during lunch.

· When you’re running errands, try parking at the far end of the parking lot or even down the street. Better yet, try walking to the store.

· At home, try doing chores like vacuuming, washing a car, gardening, sweeping leaves, or shoveling snow.

· If you travel by bus, get off at a stop before your usual stop and walk the rest of the way.

Keep in mind that physical exercise alone is not the only valid measure to lose weight, especially when there is a high weight and you have to lose a lot of weight. Instead, it has been shown to increase the effectiveness of dietary measures for weight loss significantly. Thus, if you want to lose weight effectively, it is a good idea to exercise but to achieve good results, you must take care of your diet in parallel. A recent study from the University of Colorado analyzes the importance and real impact of both exercise and diet.

To lose weight here given some steps to follow:


Before going on to explain how much exercise to lose weight you s know that to lose weight; we must give the body fewer calories than it consumes. It can be achieved both by reducing caloric intake and increasing the level of activity, but the healthiest thing is to make a balance between both aspects. Therefore, we recommend that in addition to exercising to lose weight, you follow a healthy diet.


Once the first point is clarified, you have to know that you must at least 45 minutes of continuous exercise to get your body to put in gear more efficiently the mechanism that allows you to burn fat and, consequently, lose weight. Therefore, if you start doing sports, you should begin at a slow pace, but that allows you to work a little more than 45 minutes in a row. Little by little, increase both the intensity and the time you spend doing physical activity, but without setting unattainable goals that will only lead to failure.


The cause that explains the previous section about how much exercise to lose weight is that after 45 minutes of physical activity, as a general rule, liver and muscle glycogen reserves begin to decrease. In this way, the body finds itself in need of using fat for fuel, and the weight loss process begins.


About how much exercise to lose weight, it can be added that if you design your diet in an intelligent way so that you provide all the elements that your body needs. But with the minimum contribution in calories, you can optimize the activity so that you can break the balance between ingested calories and physical activity in favor of the latter more easily and, consequently, you will lose weight earlier.


It is recommended that you spend at least three days a week exercising to lose weight. However, if you have the opportunity, to lose weight more quickly, the idea is to spend five days a week practicing sports, leaving 2 for rest, which is also important to help the body recover and start exercising in the best conditions. , then.


If you want to further optimize your exercise to be able to lose weight, the most advisable thing is that you exercise towards the last part of the day as well as that the most caloric meals are made in the first half of the day.

The bottom line:

How many exercises to lose weight you try are most important. So, here

Some great choices for burning calories include walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, weight training, interval training, yoga, and Pilates.

That said, many other exercises can also help boost your weight loss efforts.

It’s most important to choose an exercise that you enjoy doing. This makes it more likely that you’ll stick to it long-term and see results

Thanks for reading this post. I think reading this post you got more information about how much exercise to lose weight which helps you to reduce your weight quickly. If you enjoy reading this article, then wait for the next post where you may find more fitness information.

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